Attention New Health and Wellness Coaches

Get Your First 5-25 High-Ticket Clients in 90 Days Organically

Transform from Novice to Professional Full-Time Health Coach with Guidance from an IIN Health Coach Who’s Been in Your Shoes

Stress-Free Growth Opportunity for Upcoming Health Coaches

Health coaches
Nutrition coaches
Weight loss coaches
IIN health coaches
Mind Body Green health coaches

Health Coach Institute

Starting a New Venture Can Be Daunting, Especially If You Have a 9 to 5 & a Family to Feed

Startup Confusion: Unsure how to get your business off the ground.

Dilemma: Stuck between 9 to 5 and following your dream.

Expensive Advertising Costs: Spending money on ads with little return.

Non-Stop Content Creation: Feeling pressured to post content 24/7.

Tech Overload: Dealing with complicated technology tools.

Sales Anxiety: Struggling with uncomfortable sales tactics.

Imposter Syndrome: Doubting your ability to coach effectively.

Lack Of Support and Community: Feeling Isolated without proper guidance and community.

Undefined Niche: Not knowing how to choose the right niche.

Values Compromise: Worrying about losing your values in sales.

GOOD NEWS: You Can Jumpstart Your Health Coaching Business with 5-25 High Ticket Clients in 90 Days

Blooming Health Coaching

✅ Sign 5-25 clients in 90 days
✅ Simple, intuitive, organic marketing
✅ Simple, easy to learn and follow methods
✅ Natural, non-salesy marketing
✅ Unlimited expert-level support
✅ Custom niche based on your strengths
✅ Create your bulletproof offer
✅ Group and 1-on-1 coaching
✅ Unshakable confidence
✅ Proven system
✅A community to cheer you up.
✅Done for you Niche selection and offer creation.

No Need to Deal With

❌ Complex marketing
❌ Non-stop content posting
❌ Spending on ads
❌ Overwhelming tech tools
❌ Sales anxiety
❌ Imposter syndrome
❌ Feeling alone
❌Lack of support
❌ Not having a clear niche
❌ Losing values in sales
❌ Having to do everything on your own.

At Awakened Coaches Family

We Empower New Health Coaches with Step-by-Step Plans: Novice to Pro in 90 Days

We know the struggles you face. That’s why we created a unique program for first-time coaches ready to leave their 9-to-5 and make a real impact. 

Our founder Rashi Nayar, a health coach from IIN, grew her own business from zero to $25,000 in just 90 days. We’ll guide you every step of the way to achieve similar success.

Here’s What You Can Expect…

Quick Client Acquisition: Secure 5-25 high-ticket clients within 90 days.

Zero Ad Spend: Grow your coaching business organically without financial investment in advertising.

Simplified Marketing: Master straightforward marketing techniques that don’t require constant online presence.

Niche Specialization: Identify a golden niche and dominate the market based on your unique personal experiences and strengths.

Done for You Service: We build your entire signature program and content calendar from start to end based on your identified niche.

Sales Confidence: Gain the confidence to sell your services effectively with our non-salesy script that aligns with your values.

Ongoing Support: Benefit from our unlimited guarantee—we’ll work with you until you secure your first 5 high-ticket clients.

We Got Your Back So You Can Say a Final Goodbye To

Overwhelm from starting a new coaching business without a clear path.

Financial strain from unsuccessful investments in other coaching programs.

Fear of appearing inauthentic or sales-y to potential clients.

Uncertainty in identifying and targeting the right niche.

Lack of confidence and imposter syndrome affecting business decisions.

Struggles with establishing a profitable, high-ticket service offering.

Anxiety about continuous content creation and its management.

What You Get

Done for You Signature Program

Sign 5-25 high-ticket clients within 90 days.

No ads or complex tech.

No relentless content posting.

Niche Selection Guidance

 Golden Niche identification & bulletproof offer creation.

Based on your personal experiences.

Serve clients you truly resonate with.

Sales Mastery

Learn to sell effectively and handle objections like a pro

Use our non-sales-y approach.

Keep your values and integrity intact.

Ongoing Support

Unlimited guarantee beyond 90 days.

Support until you secure your first five high-ticket clients.

No matter how long it takes.

Not Just Yet Another Coaching Program

Proven track record: Health coaching business from 0-$25k

Expert Mentors: Benefit from the combined expertise of Rashi in health coaching and Vinayak in relationship and spiritual coaching, offering you a well-rounded approach to conquering the coaching world.

Focus on Results: Our program is built on ethical coaching and real results. We prioritize your success over profit, helping you build a sustainable and rewarding coaching business.

Done For You Service: We hand-hold you to identify and dominate a golden niche, build your bulletproof offer and get 5-25 high-ticket clients.

Meet The Founders

Our mission is driven by personal experience and proven success. Our founders, Rashi and Vinayak, bring a wealth of knowledge and a deep commitment to helping new coaches thrive.

Meet Rashi

Rashi’s journey from zero to $25,000 in just 90 days inspires new coaches. Her experience and tailored coaching methods have helped many beginners turn their passion into a successful career.

  • A health coach from IIN who went from zero to $25,000 in 90 days.
  • Expert in transforming beginner coaches into successful professionals.
  • Combines personal experience with a tailored approach to coaching.
  • Passionate about ethical coaching and delivering real results.

Meet Vinayak

Vinayak brings a unique essence of spiritual coaching, which helps people identify, allows coaches to shift their identity, and builds unshakable confidence.

  • 10 years of extensive coaching and experience
  • Specializes in mindset and identity shifts for lasting success.
  • Helped Rashi achieve her rapid business growth.
  • Committed to providing ongoing support and mentorship to new coaches.

Our Mission and Vision

Our mission is to empower you to achieve your dreams with confidence and integrity. We envision you quickly transforming into a successful health coach, making a significant impact without compromising your values. 

Our focus is on delivering real results, ethical coaching, and unwavering support every step of the way.

Our Promise

We are committed to your success. If you don’t sign your first five high-ticket clients within 90 days, we will continue to work with you until you do, no matter how long it takes. Your growth and success are our top priorities, and we stand by you every step of the way.

See What Our Happy Customers Are Saying

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Frequently Asked Questions

Have Doubts? Let’s Clear Them Up

Our unlimited guarantee means we continue to support and work with you until you achieve your initial client acquisition goals.

Yes, we focus on organic growth strategies that don’t require paid ads, reducing your upfront costs and increasing profitability.

Our non-salesy script and personalized coaching will help you communicate your value confidently and authentically.

Our program is designed to guide you from basics to advanced strategies, making it perfect for newcomers.

But that’s Not All. We Have an Exclusive Launch Offer

Free Initial Consultation

 Discuss your goals and challenges in a complimentary session where we can map out your path to success.

Content Strategy

 Receive a personalized content calendar to help you easily plan and execute your social media strategy.

Take the First Step Towards Your Dream Career

Why keep spinning your wheels with ineffective strategies? Join a program that understands where you’re coming from and where you need to go. Awakened Coaches Family is your partner in learning and thriving as a health coach.

Wait! You Must Act Now

We limit the number of new coaches we take each quarter to ensure personalized attention and maximum success rates. 

Don’t miss your chance to be one of them!

Book a Free Strategy Call today to learn how we can help you transform your passion for wellness into a profitable coaching business.

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